Meet Monique!

"Yoga for me just works. It is more than a series of poses put together and followed by the student. It flows from the heart, nourishing, caring and peaceful. I have been incredibly lucky to be taught by and practice with some incredible teachers and yogis along my journey. Each one sharing their own perspective of yoga, sometimes aligning with and sometimes not my own philosophy but always teaching me not just about yoga but about myself and about life.

My own practice started after a long illness and more than anything else it helped me piece together both my broken body and my scattered mind. It gave me tools to live life to the full once more.

After meeting beautiful people like Charlotte on a retreat in Marrakesh I took my experience along with many hours of training to the front of the room and offered my heart to those in front of me. I continue to teach in this restorative way not just regular classes but also to those groups often in need of this peaceful kind of yoga at a particular time in their lives, be that through pregnancy, the early months of parenthood, menopause or those looking to reduce stress. Recently I have begun working with neurodiverse teenagers not only using yoga including breathing techniques but also simply holding space to be heard.

Walking with my chocolate Labradors and trying to guide my daughters into adulthood gives me my own space and additional life lessons. Of course I can also often be found out on my paddleboard enjoying a little yoga fun too!"

Yoga Teacher